Its been awhile since i posted and since nothing too exciting comes to mind and the most interesting thing we've done lately was the Adams Ave street fair i thought I'd post about that. I've decided this is now my favorite street fair. So fun! Its pretty decent in size with lots of neat treasures to be found. And my favorite part is its not too crazy crowded (trying to maneuver a stroller has made me detest crowds!!) I didn't really get many pictures because the girls were not really into posing because of the heat but i did get a picture of each of them with their umbrellas they got. It was the best $3 i ever spent, kept them happy! Its also fun to people watch there for sure. Lots of interesting characters. Such as the guy who used the port-o-potty right before me and dropped his stash of weed on the floor. I chucked that thing all the way to the back of the tank!! He was standing out there waiting to get in when i was done. Good luck with that one buddy;) Hahaha! The girls loved it. They both got balloon animals and their faces painted. I bought a really cute necklace and found so many other things i wanted but alas i restrained myself. Oh well, there's always next year, right?!?

Charlotte showing me her booger. Why is my kid so gross?!?

Sophia posin it up!

Crazy Charlie!