Tuesday, August 30, 2011

This Old House

I wish that i had taken some before and after pictures just so you could really get the full effect of how far this house has come but alas i did not. But for those of you who have been to my house before you know how BAD it truly was!! Lets just say i basically did not like my house for the first 7 years i lived here but now that its done i LOVE it. Its so pretty and inviting now and of course now that its done...im leaving it:( All i have to say is whoever rents it better love it and treat her well!

So there she is (minus a few of the rooms). I still have a couple of minor things to fix but its pretty much done. We've come a long way baby;)


The Crandallions said...

Awesome! I love home makeovers. It's too bad you didn't have any before pictures, but I'm glad you were able to get so much done! The kitchen looks awesome! great job!

Unknown said...

Erin, everything looks so beautiful. I am so impressed & I know you worked SO, SO hard on it all. It looks so different just since I was there last month. You're amazing!

anna b. said...

so impressive! congrats on all of your hard work. it looks beautiful!